Super Useful Websites To Purchase Second Hand Books
Book lovers rarely worry about where they source their book selections from, as many titles are unavailable today. If a rare edition is found, it is usually worth a lot. In that case, it is better to hunt for second-hand bookstores in your city to enjoy the beauty of book titles, whose value is considered matchless today. What’s more, besides adding more exciting titles to the collection, book lovers don’t even have to spend much on these hand-me-down collectibles.
That’s why listed below are some useful websites, which will not only help score a bargain on second hand books finds but also expand your current collection with unique titles.
Read on to find out more!
AbeBooks is a popular option for purchasing second-hand books on the web. This site is utilized by booksellers, even the independent ones, so it’s a great way to support these individuals as well. In comparison to eBay, AbeBooks includes maximum bibliographic information to facilitate the buyer, such as the condition of the book condition, bookbinding, and info on the publisher among other details.
The focus of this website is on second-hand textbooks, which could be pricier for students elsewhere. What’s more, this website also holds some spectacular and rare finds. It’s a great place if a buyer is in search of collectible editions or titles, which are unavailable at the local book store. For instance, if a buyer is interested in purchasing the initial editions of EM Forster’s masterpiece, Passage to India, and has not been successful in locating the book anywhere, then they should try AbeBooks. For it may not specifically hold first editions but the website does hosts rare books and signed titles that have gotten lost with time.
What’s more, AbeBooks ensures that the right buyers are matched with appropriate sellers. Even though this website has pricier options than other second-hand book websites, including eBay, buyers can compare prices with other available options in the market. An easy-to-understand user interface further simplifies the platform.
Just make sure that your current internet connection is as robust and unswerving as the ultra-reliable Mediacom Columbia Mo so that a glitchy service doesn’t stop you from exploring this great website!
Alibris is another book site where book lovers can purchase second-hand books in good condition. Even though it’s not exactly the first place that book lovers visit, to scourge for titles but that doesn’t mean that the website doesn’t come with its own set of plus points.
For starters, book lovers who sign up for the email newsletter receive a discount code of $5. Secondly, the search filters on the website are exhaustive and are developed this way to ensure that site visitors get what they are looking for! Top filters such as book price, book condition, published date, and seller location (to determine the distance between the buyer and the seller) are some options that make the search process easier for book buyers.
Besides the usual website features, Alibris shares some similarities with the giant e-Bay. Like eBay, it too has seller ratings listed on the website, which are meant to simplify the book-buying process for booklovers. With seller ratings accessible to all site visitors, people can see how various sellers are ranked, reviewed, or starred on the website.
Nonetheless, some drawbacks are associated with the site as well. Firstly, only some book titles are entitled to a free shipping option. If a buyer is interested in the said option, then they first have to purchase books, worth $39. Furthermore, book buyers don’t instantly see the real cost of their entire order as shipping costs are not immediately added to the total bill. Even so, keeping these two reasons aside, this is a fantastic website, where one will often find a book find that is worth every penny!
Better World Books
Better World Books, occasionally abbreviated as BWB, is a top recommendation for book lovers and has also been listed as one of the top alternatives for Amazon Books. While BWB is known to offer the latest titles and authors to a diverse target audience across the globe, it is the domain of second-hand books, where BWB truly stands apart. To make the best use of this website, book buyers are suggested to utilize a high-speed internet service like the Mediacom Cedar Rapids Iowa, which ensures that your online activity is never interrupted
However, it’s not just the impressive internet connection that makes exploring and surfing this website an absolute pleasure! The user-friendly site design, followed by the resourceful search functionality of the website makes the whole title browsing experience, fun and enjoyable. Besides the wide range of book titles, there are plenty of reasons why this website is considered heaven for bibliophiles.
Buyers can opt for the multi-buy discount, where they can save a terrific 15 percent on their total bill when a buyer purchases four books together. This discount option is similar to the one offered by ThriftBooks. The site also has an active rewards program, which allows buyers to earn around eight points on each dollar, immediately making it a user favorite. So when a buyer has scored some 500 points, they will be eligible for a voucher, worth $5!
Unlike other online sites, the shipping options are also quite flexible. No minimum amount is required for shipping and it’s usually free on all book orders. No matter where the buyer lives, book costs do not change, so buyers won’t have to worry about nasty surprises coming their way.
Wrapping Up
While purchasing new books will always have its charm but nothing can beat the fascination of going through yellowed or the odd bent pages that transport the reader to another time and era when the same book was held by another person.
For buyers who like their books to have crisp white pages, then second-hand books might not be your thing. But for someone, who enjoys the nostalgic quality that whiffs off from a haggard old book, then you are bound to find plenty of surprises on the websites mentioned above!